What good is the most beautiful car, which is cleaned and washed from the outside and the windows are shiny clean, but inside the nose is wrinkled. The interior of the car definitely needs good care. It is all too easy for odors to settle there in the long term.
For example, due to smoking in the car, fast food leftovers from the drive in counter or due to transported animals. Seat cushions are also affected by spilled drinks or childish vomiting and conserve the corresponding unpleasant odors persistently. Road dirt on the floor mats also carry drivers and passengers into the car, these are all no good smells.
Four-legged friends in the car
Who loves its dog, which leaves it rarely alone at home, but takes it naturally gladly in the car along. After all, dogs are quasi family members. Gradually, however, the dog smell settles in the car interior. Rarely a dog returns after an excursion immaculately clean again into the car, often with damp fur.
There is always more or less garbage attached to it. This does not smell good after a long time, but sometimes even stinks. Master and mistress would like to get rid of this intense smell. After all, we are writing the 21st century, in these times of space travel and artificial intelligence, fortunately, effective means, sometimes surprisingly simple measures, are available against this inconvenience.
Unpleasant odor disturbs
Please do not immediately resort to the chemical club. Dog hair must be removed regularly with the vacuum cleaner. On the dog hairs themselves hang basically many odor particles. Blankets and towels should be washed and dusted regularly. Prolonged airing drives some scents out of the interior of the car. To do this, while driving at full steam, direct the fresh outside air inside for a long period of time. All vents should be turned inward.
The next measure can be conventional cleaning by hand with water, soap and sponge. This can already significantly improve the smell in the car. Ideally, the source of the unpleasant odor should have been eliminated. After that, this natural tip can be tried. For good smell in the car helps a small bowl filled with vinegar and a second bowl filled with coffee powder. Place both bowls in the interior overnight. The scent of these two ingredients mixes with each other and definitely makes unpleasant smell disappear.
Measures for odor destruction
If the eco-variety is too weak, then the treatment with chemicals remains indispensable. A lasting effect is achieved only if unpleasant odors are not only superimposed by the applied product. Then they return after a short time. Agents with chemical content have a more permanent effect.
The range of products for eliminating odors with the help of chemicals is very wide. However, it is confusing, almost every product promises amazing success on the instructions for use and also keeps them. Which product is the right choice? The decision is made by everyone individually. These anti-odor agents are used to spray the interior.
The most common application is the miracle trees. They are simple and helpful for bad air in the car. They come in various flavors and shapes. Scents like sea breeze, mountain meadow or vanilla etc. are available. Simply hung on the interior mirror, the miracle trees overlay thick air in the car for a limited period of time.
However, a small miracle tree is hardly sufficient for nicotine odor. If a car is permanently smoked, the only solution is ozone treatment in a garage or car wash. It is not cheap, but effective. The smell of smoke disappears completely. But the car must be thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom inside before. After that, the ozone gun is useful, especially if a smoker wants to sell his car as a used car.
Some defects on the car you can smell
Please do not rigorously fight all odors. Certain smells can indicate a defect. If it smells like rubber, the handbrake may be the cause. If it smells musty, it may indicate mold. If it smells sweet, lack of coolant may be to blame. The smell of burnt toast suggests melting insulation. If it smells like rotten eggs in the car, the catalytic converter is defective. Please analyze the unpleasant smell in the car first, if possible, and then act in a considered manner. In most cases, the cause is really pollution and not a defect.
Source - https://www.waautoparts.com.au/how-to-get-stubborn-odors-out-of-the-car-again/
source https://waautoparts.blogspot.com/2022/04/how-to-get-stubborn-odors-out-of-car.html
source https://waautoparts.tumblr.com/post/680938704028696576
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